
“Your reputation certainly precedes you and, based upon my first hand

observation, it is a reputation that is well deserved.” 

“…Gary McGowan boasts an impressive reputation in the alternative

dispute resolution arena. He regularly handles complex business

disputes, though he also has a wealth of expertise in matters

relating to oil and gas, construction and healthcare. Enthusiastic

commentators state that he is ‘very smart, understands the issues

and tries to lead the way to a sane result.’”

Chambers USA 2017


For over 25 years, Gary McGowan has served as an arbitrator and mediator in national and international disputes, often complex, high-stakes matters. He has arbitrated over 200 disputes, serving as chair or sole arbitrator in over 150.

Before 1990, McGowan litigated business cases, most notably as a founding partner of Susman, Godfrey & McGowan, a prominent boutique law firm.  As a neutral, he has established a reputation for effectiveness, thorough preparation, and quick discernment.

Recent Honors:

Panel of Arbitrators, Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration.

Fellow, Construction Lawyers Society of America.

Korean Commercial Arbitration Board’s International Panel of Arbitrators.

Moderated Panel discussion at CIArb Energy Arbitration 2017 Conference in Houston. Topic–Arbitrating the Mega Energy Case.

Energy Arbitrators List, a global panel of energy industry arbitrators sponsored by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution. https://energyarbitratorslist.icdr.org/ealsearch/faces/eal?_afrLoop=5143603581967443&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=14s53gax6c_4

Institute for Energy Law Directory of Energy Arbitrators.

International Panel of Arbitrators, British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre

Panel of Arbitrators, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, https://www.hkiac.org/en/arbitration/arbitrators

2016, 2017, and 2018  editions of The Best Lawyers in America in Arbitration.

Best Lawyers’ 2017 Houston Arbitration “Lawyer of the Year.”

Best Lawyers’ 2018 Houston Mediation “Lawyer of the Year.”

Acquisition International – Best in International Arbitration 2016 – Texas.

Corp America’s 2016 Legal Elite Award for Best International Disputes Arbitrator – Texas.

Finance Monthly Global’s 2016 Award—Arbitration and Mediation Law Firm of the Year–USA.

Corporate LiveWire 2016 Global Awards — Arbitration in the Energy Sector.

Ranked in Chambers USA 2017.

Recent Publications

12 Ways to Achieve Efficiency and Speed in Arbitration, published in Corporate Counselhttps://www.law.com/corporatecounsel/PubArticleCC.jsp?id=1202596761854&12_Ways_to_Achieve_Efficiency_and_Speed_in_Arbitration 

Sanctions in US and International Arbitration: Old Law in Modern Context, published in Kluwer Arbitration Blog. https://kluwerarbitrationblog.com/blog/2013/10/10/sanctions-in-us-and-international-arbitrations-old-law-in-modern-context/

Don’t Call It A Trial: What Every Lawyer should Know About Arbitration, published in Houston Lawyer, July-August 2014. https://issuu.com/leosur/docs/thl_julaug14/15?e=0